Let's Talk Ministries

Chino Hills, Ca

Let's Talk Ministries 

Chino Hills, Ca



We offer Free Substance Use Disorder and Marriage Counseling Services to those who are Financially, Economically and Socially Disadvantaged.

We also provide free coats and sweaters for our homeless population which is inspired by Biblical Scripture 

James 2:16 

through our 'Give them a Coat' program.

Let's Talk Ministries is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers free counseling services, resources and referrals for those suffering from illicit substance use, drug and alcohol addiction as well as issues of domestic violence, codependency, and post traumatic stress disorder as it relates to behavioral health and wellness.  We also provide premarital and marriage enrichment counseling with emphasis on Biblical Principles. 

We freely counsel those who are financially and economically disadvantaged.  

Our youth and young adults' specialty unit offers specialized services and events to our younger population with the focal point on prevention of negative behavior through our signature events called 'From Prison 2 Praise' by utilizing a panel of men and women who share testimonials of consequences of electing to choose a destructive path who are now successful and serving God and the community. This specialized dialogue and interaction, equips our youth with positive and productive alternatives rather than the only option of choosing self-destructive behavior.

Let’s Talk Ministries also provides counseling services and resources for both men and women in the State of California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation who are in need of guidance when transitioning out of prison.

 We find that through encouragement and motivation towards enhancing our clients positive coping skills - that our program continues to have successful outcomes.


We emphasize the following:

We provide a safe space for self examination, paralleled with biblical precepts.

We find that talking about struggles within a confidential setting can be very effective in combating the feelings of social isolation that most people encounter while in their addiction or attempting to integrate back into society after incarceration or displacement. 

Becoming a client of Let's Talk Ministries is an excellent way to gain a sense of connection to community and gain access to a support system that will be vital to the success of your recovery, relationships and personal development.

In addition, Our services provide a foundation for an Individual to build upon and become a productive citizen.  After completion of  your selected specialized services through Let's Talk Ministries, you will  also be able to help others as a way of paying it forward. 

Our counseling goal is to enhance self-esteem, dignity, and self-worth while providing skills that help in avoiding potential relapse into negative behaviors.  

    Let's Talk 

 Call Now   951-360-5560

Let's Talk Ministries, Chino Hills 


  Marian Barnes, Founder and Director  

  Bridgitte Howard, CEO and Co-Director

Helping People Reach Their Goals

Let's Talk Ministries is a service organization dedicated to those journeying through life in need of guidance and support during difficult seasons.  We are committed to providing counseling, information, and resources through our professionals and lay persons as they offer support and understanding to those seeking Godly and Biblical based advise.

Psalm 91 : 1-3  "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence"
